Thursday, December 25, 2008

Communication and Information

Communication Information.jpg

Overall Objective

UNESCO's overall objective through its current programme of work, Major Programme V on Communication and Information (CI) is to promote the free flow of ideas by word and image, while broadening access to this information in order to:
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Ensure the free flow of information conducive to advancement of societies and their democratic functioning
Help ensure equitable access to opportunities for sharing knowledge and promoting the creativity that technologies provide
Assist countries in building up their skills in communication and information; to improve infrastructures - media, libraries, archives, information services and networks - and to promote the training of professionals


In striving to reach the programme goal, Communication and Information (CI) pursues the following strategies:

Promoting meetings for the cooperative development of projects and programmes

Fostering education and sustainable training in information science

Promoting Freedom of the Press - building on the advances in the region

Providing a visionary evaluation device

Forging institutional networks for research, workshops and seminars

Promoting electronic equipment for information service handling